Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Art Museum

After the first steps into the Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) I saw a ginormous yellow glasswork hanging from high ceilings that dominate the space. The atmosphere was alluring, mysterious, and thrilling. Thick glass doors and windows formed the entrance of the MIA. The tone has been set. One cannot help but feel welcome. Interestingly this is not just a first time feeling. As second, third, and forth time visitor, I have experienced the same sensation every time. Yet nothing is out of place. The organization of the galleries are well thought out and executed. Each room entertained a certain purpose: a technique, a time period, or a people group. Naturally, some galleries had altered light intensity: dim lighting created a sense of quiet peacefulness; bright light generated liveliness. The top floor thrilled me because of my vast variety of my personal tastes in art. On display were impressionism, modernism, photograph, and contemporary art. Sadly, my love of art does not extend to the styles of the Japanese and Chinese. I find them thick with spiritual entities and deeply rooted in things I do not believe in however beautiful they may be. Overall, the museum provided an impressive collection of artwork from all over the world, from many famous artists’, from many different time periods. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Wring Experience

Way back when I began this class, it occurred to me how inept I was at writing. When Reading/Writing 1 finally started its weekly routines, there were a few days I threw my hands up in pure horrification. I clearly had not master writing. I was one hundred percent sure I was going hit the slippery slop that led to a Flunk. Yet, the back of my mind reminded me of how much I needed this class to succeed in life. It was crucial for me to learn basic writing skills. Forward I would go. Forward I MUST go. Forward I did. Learning to write happened to be an interesting and beneficial experience for me. I believe writing every single day should be credited. From blogging to discussion post, from responses to papers to whatever else, writing certainly assisted me in untangled all the knots I happened to have with writing. 
            The semester flew past faster then I could think possible, but does not it always? Sometimes I wish it would not fly so fast, other times I am glad it did. I am glad this time. I am proud I tackled the writing challenge. I know it has indeed helped my writing abilities.
            Looking ahead, I realize I will look upon Reading/Writing 1 as a pivotal point in my writing career. If I am to succeed in college, and eventually in the world, writing will be important for me to master.