Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Wring Experience

Way back when I began this class, it occurred to me how inept I was at writing. When Reading/Writing 1 finally started its weekly routines, there were a few days I threw my hands up in pure horrification. I clearly had not master writing. I was one hundred percent sure I was going hit the slippery slop that led to a Flunk. Yet, the back of my mind reminded me of how much I needed this class to succeed in life. It was crucial for me to learn basic writing skills. Forward I would go. Forward I MUST go. Forward I did. Learning to write happened to be an interesting and beneficial experience for me. I believe writing every single day should be credited. From blogging to discussion post, from responses to papers to whatever else, writing certainly assisted me in untangled all the knots I happened to have with writing. 
            The semester flew past faster then I could think possible, but does not it always? Sometimes I wish it would not fly so fast, other times I am glad it did. I am glad this time. I am proud I tackled the writing challenge. I know it has indeed helped my writing abilities.
            Looking ahead, I realize I will look upon Reading/Writing 1 as a pivotal point in my writing career. If I am to succeed in college, and eventually in the world, writing will be important for me to master. 

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