Thursday, April 26, 2012

The College Route?

I came to college to advance my education of the arts. The arts enthrall me and I love to learn. No, college was not expected of me. Both my parents told me if I didn’t want to go to college don’t, and most importantly, don’t just go because my friends were. It happens to be that I actually wanted to go to college. So it worked out and my parents don’t mind investing in me because they know I care about my schooling and I’m not just partying and skipping classes. Absolutely I considered other non-college options. I thought about interning before college and making a little extra dough. Or taking extra PSEO classes.

I’ve never been a person to go with the flow of everyone else. I question why people do what they do. I sometimes agree, sometime disagree. Going to college was one of those things I questioned. “Why should I go to college? Do I want to? What’s the purpose? Is it worth the time and money?” After my two older brother went through the experience of visiting colleges, applying to college, and choosing which college to go to, I felt anxious for my turn. However, at that time, I had two years yet to go. Consequently, a lot changes in two years. When my time did come, I knew what I wished to pursue and had picked out my top three colleges. BUT, I also knew I wasn’t ready for full-head-on college with dorms, piles of homework, new people, parties, professors, etc. I decide to, not take a year off, but take a so-called unnecessary fifth year of highschool. I would take courses online, get a head start in credits, save money, and most importantly, keep my brain engaged in learning. It was rough. But I feel better about doing it after the fact. Ultimately I did decide to take the route to college.

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