Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Body Art

I have mixed thoughts on tattoos, implants, and piercings. I believe they are a great use to brand one self, to make one self unique from others. I personally have several piercings and will be getting a tattoo soon. Why? I enjoy the look of tiny simple piercings and I’m getting a tattoo of a verse that will serve as a personal reminder. On the other hand, I think all three can be abused. Where the lines cross for me is when people get tattoos, implants, and piercings that actually change their original appearance on their face.

For an example, these men:
        I actually think changes like this should be illegal for one main reason: as silly as it sounds, getting this is type of transformation done after committing a crime or such makes it easy to hide in plain view. And then personally, I think it’s a little scary and unnecessary.

I’m not saying all tattoo, implants, and piecing’s are horrible.

Like these guys and gal:

They aren’t as mutated as the other guys and it’s still unique. I have to wonder what the purpose was of these individuals paying the price and pain to change or decorate their body. Maybe it’s just as simple as standing out and being unique. But maybe it’s disconnecting from one’s past, family, or hurts. It could be rebellion. It could be using your body as a canvas for you artist flow. It could be an act of fitting in with the rest of the world. Or maybe they actually enjoy the look; this is possible. 

With all this said, we have the right to do whatever we like with our body. But we should always ask the question, “why?” before we make permanent, or physical changes.

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