Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Windy City

For my lovely ten days of Spring Break, I will be embarking on my first adventure as an adult. A round trip consisting of 858 miles, car travel time totaling about sixteen hours, and three different locations are on the menu. Thankfully my mother is along for this exciting “outing.” The final destination is begging me to get there already!

The first leg of our trip is to a small town close to Madison, Wisconsin called Middleton. Though we will not staying longer then a day and night, it will be good to mingle with my grandparents and great-grandmother, 96, for some quality time. However, many miles will await us, and we’ll be back on the road in no time. Are final target waits!

Leg two: Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois. My dear older brother, Nathan, schools there and it’s my chance to experience some hands on classes with him for we are similar in education tastes. Also, funny enough, my best friend, Allie, also attends Trinity. Unusually when I visit we take rotten fruit and slingshot them as far as possible and/or walk around the lake and/or visit the Oasis, a bridge filled with restaurants. From hanging with Allie to learning with the brother, my time will last a couple of days with them. But finally, my real objective is to come.

Leg three brings us to the one and only, drum roll, please, Chicago. I will have arrived at my goal. From the wind to the skyscrapers, to school shopping to clothes shopping, from deep fried pizza to chill dogs, from science museums to art galleries, my heart will be resting in bliss. Happiness will belong to me. Peace will seek only myself. My mind will rest. I will walk and talk, photograph the poor and young, the wealth and old, I will sketch and paint, dreaming all along. Chicago is my city: the city of beauty and life. For three wonderful days I will reside in The Windy City. Joy will be mine.

Such gloom will drag me from my contentment. For however long happiness last it will end. The journey home will come, and my heart will sink. The only thing that will keep me from sinking into the pits of despair will be the joy of planning another trip: my trip to California. But that’s for another time. Here I come Chicago!

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